
We are pleased that you decided to do a master with us. For a good start we have compiled some important information. We wish you a successful time at the department and we are looking forward to getting to know you personally. 

A preview of the semester/List of lectures

At the beginning of the lecture period there is a preview of the following semester where elective lectures and seminars on offer are introduced. Further information can be found in the list of lectures of the department.


At the University of Konstanz you will find ideal conditions for obtaining a Master's degree in physics. The Master's degree programme is characterised by the scientific environment at the department and offers you the opportunity to obtain your Master's degree in a special focus area. You can choose from a wide range of specialisation topics to deepen your Master's degree in a specific direction.


In the course of your master degree you have to attend two seminars. The topic assignments often take place at the beginning of the term in a preliminary discussion. It is worthwhile to take a look at the notice board or contact the respective lecturer.

Physical Advanced Lab/Project-based practical training

During the master’s degree program two modules of the Physical Advanced Lab (Fortgeschrittenen-Praktikum), FP II und FP III, are necessary. One module can be replaced by a project-based practical training. A project-based practical training is carried out - comparable to a final dissertation - in a research group of the department. This is an offer to all students who already know that they want to work in the field of theoretical physics afterwards. It is also possible to carry out an experimental-based practical training. For the advanced practical training it is obligatory to attend the safety instructions which take place in the first week of the term.

Student Body/Atomic-Cafe

The student body of physics is not only able to help with examination protocols but it also organizes parties and runs the "Atomic Cafe" (room P 626). This is most of all a lunch room in which sweets, coffee and tea are sold. Futhermore, you'll find a student at almost every time to assist you with any questions.

jDPG/EPS Young Minds

Not to be confused with the student body of physics is the Young German Physical Society (junge Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, jDPG) regional group Konstanz/Bodensee, which is now also a Young Minds Section of the European Physical Society.

Students and PhD students organize in cooperation with the Department of Physics numerous events. In the lecture series "Jenseits von Mittelerde”, every semester three to four professors introduce their field of research. This is a good opportunity to gain a quick overview on the different research groups of the department.