LUKS Urkunden
LUKS Urkunden


VEUK prize

In collaboration with the departments, VEUK awards a prize for excellent academic achievements to two bachelor's and two master's graduates. The award comes with prize money of 200 euros.

The VEUK prizes are traditionally awarded at the graduation ceremony of the Department of Physics.

Award winner 2023 Vincent Bezold and VEUK representative Olga Sachartschuk

VEUK award winner 2023 Vincent Bezold and VEUK representative Olga Sacharchuk

The winners of previous years


Angster, David - B.Sc.

Benkert, Svenja - B.Sc.

Bezold, Vincent - M.Sc.

Ecker, Fabian - M.Ed.


Wilhelm, Valentin - B.Sc. 

Nabben, Nadine - M.Sc.


Mechnich, Annika - B.Sc. 

Bestler, Markus - B.Sc. 

Herbst, Franz - B.Sc.  

Fischer, Peter - M.Sc

Sterk, Philipp - M.Sc.

Grimm, Niklas - M.Sc.


Großenbach, Sebastian B.Sc.

Kayatz, Florian - B.Sc.

Hutter, Sarah - M.Sc.

Kuttruff, Joel - M.Sc.

Lüders, Anton - M.Sc.

Schütz, Emilia - M.Sc.