Optikaufbau im Laserlabor zu hochfrequentem Spinrauschen
Optics setup in the laser laboratory for high-frequency spin noise

The Department of Physics

16 research groups and several junior research groups perform cutting-edge research at the Department of Physics in different fields including: Computersimulation, Renewable Energies with Focus on Photovoltaics, Nanoscience, Novel Solid State Physics and Modern Materials, Optics, Photonics and Quantum information, Soft Condensed Matter, Statistical Physics.

The department is characterised by close collaborations between the different research groups. This is reflected by the fact that several joint research projects are currently active in the department. These include the SFB 1432 "Fluctuations and Nonlinearities in Classical and Quantum Matter beyond Equilibrium" (since 2021), the  FET Open Projekt „Supergate“ (since 2021) and Schwerpunktprogramm SPP 2196 "Perovskite semiconductors: From fundamental properties to device" (since2019).

Apart from the Bachelor of Science and Master of Science, the study programmes offered in the Department of Physics also include the Bachelor of Education and Master of Education. As a small department, it is important to us that we know you personally and that we are always there for you.

The study programme in physics was rated among the best in the areas “Teacher support”, "Support in the study entry phase", “Study organisation” and "Laboratory internships" in the 2020/21 Center for Higher Education Development (CHE) ranking.