Portraits eines Mitarbeiters am Quadrupolmagneten der AG Gönnenwein
Portrait eines Mitarbeiters am Quadrupolmagneten der AG Gönnenwein; Foto: Dr. Gillian Kiliani
Eine Studentin justiert den Aufbau zur optischen Pinzette im physikalischen Anfängerpraktikum.

Study Physics at the University of Konstanz?

Are you thinking about studying physics? Then the Department of Physics at the University of Konstanz is the right place for you. Here you will study in a family atmosphere with an open-door culture, you will be excellently prepared for work in academic research and industrial development and you will experience the close integration of experiment and theory in teaching.

Further information for prospective students by degree programme:

BachelorMaster, Bachelor of Education, Master of Education and the new orientation study programme GoMint

Ein Student justiert den Ultraschallversuch im physikalischen Anfängerpraktikum.

The department is looking for student research assistants

The department is seeking various student research assistants for:

- the beginner's lab courses

- the introductory course

- the event management of the department

Here you can find the job descriptions.

Our alumni

See what career paths alumni from the Department of Physics have taken here.

Research at the Department of Physics

In the 21st century nanotechnology is the technology of the future and “nano” is the subject of research at the Department of Physics in Konstanz. The world of the very small is dominated by exotic principles of quantum physics where ordinary materials show novel and surprising properties. Also, light is a quantum phenomenon and much of its nano properties are still not well understood. The insight to the laws in the nano-level allows producing novel materials with tailor-made properties.

Current news

Fadenförmige Cyanobakterien in vier verschiedenen Formen

Mit vereinten Kräften zu komplexen Strukturen

Setzt man aktive Filamente einer lokal begrenzten Beleuchtung aus, akkumulieren sich diese zu stabilen Strukturen entlang der Grenzen der beleuchteten Fläche. Auf dieser Grundlage ist es Forschenden vom Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik und Selbstorganisation (MPI-DS) und der Universität Konstanz gelungen, ein Modell zu entwickeln, mit dem sich die Selbstorganisation fadenförmiger lebender Materie simulieren lässt. Dieses Modell liefert wichtige Erkenntnisse für potentielle technische Anwendungen…

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New head of the department

Professor Dr. Clemens Bechinger has been a professor at the University of Konstanz's Department of Physics since 2017. He received his doctorate from the University of Konstanz in 1993 and habilitated in experimental physics there in 1999. His research focuses on soft condensed matter, in particular colloidal systems and their phase transitions, as well as on active particles and dynamic processes far from thermodynamic equilibrium. His scientific awards also include two ERC Advanced Grants and…

Vom Schulalltag ins Forschungslabor

An den Projekttagen „Schülerinnen- und Schüler forschen“ haben die naturwissenschaftlichen Fächer der Universität Konstanz ihre Türen für den Nachwuchs geöffnet. 17 junge Menschen haben viel Neues gelernt.

Guido Burkhard trägt ein schwarzes Jaket und ein blaues Hemd.


Der Konstanzer Physiker Guido Burkard wird mit dem Fellowship der American Physical Society (APS) für seine herausragende Forschung in der Physik geehrt.

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