Laser safety goggles

Careers in physics

The bachelor’s programme in physics provides you with many foundational skills for working in physics. It is a perfect basis for a master's programme in physics and a broad range of other fields. Since many job profiles require a master’s degree, we highly recommend completing a master’s programme.

Employment opportunities

You have a wide range of career options after having completed your bachelor’s and master’s degrees in physics. Due to their analytical training and the ability to reason in abstract terms, physicists are sought-after professionals even beyond the field of physics.

Physicists take on a wide range of responsibilities in very different environments, including research and development, teaching, quality assurance, production or consulting for :

  • Research institutes and universities
  • High-tech industries (electronics, optics and photonics, lasers, sensors, semi-conductors)
  • Soft- and hardware industries
  • Medical technology (radiation therapy)
  • Environmental protection (radiation protection)
  • Teaching tasks at schools and universities
  • Consulting businesses, banks, insurance companies
  • Patenting activities
  • Public administration, offices of weights and measures, agencies for testing 
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