Prof. Dr. Sebastian T. B. Gönnenwein im Laserlabor zur Untersuchung von hochfrequentem Spin-Rauschen
Prof. Dr. Sebastian T. B. Gönnenwein im Laserlabor zur Untersuchung von hochfrequentem Spin-Rauschen; Copyright: Dr. Gillian Kiliani

Modern Materials Science

group of Prof. Dr. Sebastian T. B. Gönnenwein

The research endeavors of Prof. Dr. Sebastian T. B. Goennenwein concentrate on creating and examining multifunctional magnetic heterostructures and devices. Employing magnetotransport, spin caloritronics, and spin dynamics experiments, the team aims to elucidate the characteristics of thin films and nanostructures endowed with intricate magnetic textures or intriguing topological features. Furthermore, the group is engaged in investigating the spin physics of fluctuations and spin current noise within the scope of the SFB 1432.