terms of use for group leaders

The agreement to the following terms of use is mandatory for every group leader prior to accessing the nano.lab and its infrastructure by him/herself or by any member of his/her group.

  1. A violation of the lab policy and its attachments by a user of the nano.lab may result in a temporary lab suspension or a permanent lab expulsion. These measures are expressed by the lab manager or the safety supervisory personnel. In case of a severe or recurring misconduct, the nano.lab personnel reserves the right to file an official reprimand with the HR department which may enter the user’s personnel file.

  2. Each group leader has to provide all mandatory safety briefings to all his/her group mem- bers working in the nano.lab. [1] This notably involves a safety briefing addressing the group specific hazardous materials used in the nano.lab, as well as any required preven- tive medical eximination due to occupational health regulations. The nano.lab will only provide safety briefings regarding nano.lab equipment and nano.lab routines.

  3. nano.lab users who would like to employ lithographic techniques and therefor access the cabinets for hazardous materials are compelled to attend a designated safety briefing in person. Renewal of this briefing every 12 months on the user’s own responsibility is mandatory. Authorized personnel will give this briefing on a regular basis as group briefings. Individual briefings on demand are not provided.

  4. The nano.lab imposes a user fee. This fee currently amounts to 100 EUR per user per year and is independent of the actual extend of lab time or system occupation of the individual user. The fee is subject to change at the descrection of the lab manager and the members of the facility’s scientific board.

  5. If the nano.lab provided substantial contribution to the success of a project, it will conse- quently be refered to in the acknowledgement section of a corresponding publication.

In case of pregnancy or of breast feeding of a child, it is strongly recommended to inform the safety supervisory personnel of the nano.lab. It is explicitely stated that for safety reasons of the unborn or breast fed child, not every sector of the nano.lab is accessible to pregnant or breast feeding women.

These terms of use are subject to change. Changes will be communicated in written form.

[1] office/computer work stations, general fire protection measures, electrical equipment, group specific hazardous materials, first aid, maternity protection, and liquid nitrogen if applicable