Physik | Kolloquien

Kolloquium Theoretische Physik: Quantum Functionalities of Magnetic Skyrmions

Montag, 25. November 2024
13:30 bis 17 Uhr

P 603

Veranstaltet von
Gastgeber: Sebastián Díaz (AG Belzig), Organisation: Javier del Pino

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
Dr. Christina Psaroudaki Ecole Normale Supérieure (LPENS), Paris

In this talk, I will discuss the development of magnetic nano-skyrmions as promising
candidates for quantum logic elements, focusing on their potential applications in
quantum computing. Nano-skyrmions possess quantized helicity excitations, and
quantum tunneling between skyrmions with distinct helicities highlights their quantum
nature. By harnessing these unique properties, we propose skyrmion qubits where
information is stored in the quantum degree of helicity. Electric and magnetic fields can
adjust the logical states of these qubits, offering a versatile operation regime with high
I will explore the role of electrical control over helicity, opening new pathways for
functionalizing collective spin states. Additionally, I will discuss the microwave pulses
necessary to generate single-qubit gates and multiqubit schemes that promise scalable
architectures with tailored couplings. Scalability, controllability by microwave fields, and
nonvolatile readout techniques converge to make skyrmion qubits highly attractive for
quantum processors. This talk will highlight the exciting developments, challenges, and
potential breakthroughs in quantum magnetism and quantum information using